School Governors
Please find details of our Governing Body below:
Mr. G. L. Thomas - Headteacher / Mr. R. Williams Acting Headteacher
Cllr. Aled Thomas - Chair of Governors LEA
Mrs. Tracey Young - Vice Chair. Community Governor.
Mr. N. James - Community Governor
Mrs. B. A. Evans - Robertson - Parent Governor
Mr. S. Roberts - Parent Governor
Mrs S. Groves - Additional Community Governor
Mr. P. Sheward-Himpson - Parent Governor
Mr. T. S. Smedley - LEA Governor
Mrs. T. D. Young - Community Governor
Mrs. H. Davies - Teacher Governor
Mrs. K. Scriven - Teacher Governor
Miss Kirsty Codd - Parent Governor
Mr. Chris Oliver - LEA Governor
Categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor will be updated during the Autumn Term.
Election of Parent Governors
Arrangements are made for the election of parent governors one school term before a parent governor’s term of office expires or on receipt of a resignation. Information about the election is sent to parents via pupil post.
Etholiad Rhiant-lywodraethwyr
Gwneir trefniadau ar gyfer ethol rhiant-lywodraethwyr un tymor cyn i gyfnod swydd rhiant-lywodraethwr ddod i ben, neu pan fydd rhiant-lywodraethwr yn ymddiswyddo. Anfonir gwybodaeth ynglÅ·n â’r etholiad drwy law’r disgyblion.